- Te, Joseph, celebrent agmina cœlitum,
Te cuncti resonent christiadum chori,
Qui clarus meritis, junctus es inclytæ
Casto fœdere Virgini.
- Almo cum tumidam germine conjugem
Admirans, dubio tangeris anxius,
Afflatu superi Flamini Angelus
Conceptum puerum docet.
- Tu natum Dominum stringis, ad exteras
Ægypti profugum tu sequeris plagas;
Amissum Solymis quæris, et invenis,
Miscens gaudia fletibus.
- Post mortem reliquos mors pia consecrat,
Palmamque emeritos gloria suscipit:
Tu vivens, Superis par, frueris Deo,
Mira sorte beatior.
- Nobis, summa Trias, parce precantibus,
Da Joseph meritis sidera scandere:
Ut tandem liceat nos tibi perpetim
Gratum promere canticum.
| - Let Angels chant thy praise, pure spouse of purest Bride,
While Christendom’s sweet choirs the gladsome strains repeat,
To tell thy wondrous fame, to raise the pealing hymn,
Wherewith we all they glory greet.
- When doubts and bitter fears thy heavy heart oppressed,
And filled thy righteous soul with sorrow and dismay,
An Angel quickly came, the wondrous secret told,
And drove thy anxious griefs away.
- Thy arms thy new-born Lord, with tender joy embrace;
Him then to Egypt’s Land thy watchful care doth bring;
Him in the Temple’s courts once lost thou dost regain,
And ‘mid thy tears dost greet thy King.
- Not till death’s pangs are o’er do others gain their crown,
But, Joseph, unto thee the blessed lot was given
While life did yet endure, thy God to see and know,
As do the Saints above in heaven.
- Grant us, great Trinity, for Joseph’s holy sake,
In highest bliss and love, above the stars to reign,
That we in joy with him may praise our loving God,
And sing our glad eternal strain.