- Cœlestis Agni nuptias,
O Juliana, dum petis,
Domum paternam deseris,
Chorumque ducis Virginum.
- Sponsumque suffixum Cruci
Noctes, diesque dum gemis,
Doloris icta cuspide,
Sponsi refers imaginem.
- Quin septiformi vulnere
Fles ad genu Deiparæ:
Sed crescit infusa fletu,
Flammasque tollit caritas.
- Hinc morte fessam proxima
Non usitato te modo
Solatur, et nutrit Deus,
Dapem supernam porrigens.
- Æterne rerum Conditor,
Æterne Fili par Patri,
Et par utrique Spiritus,
Soli tibi sit gloria.
| - To be the Lamb’s celestial bride
Is Juliana’s one desire;
For this she quits her father’s home,
And leads the sacred virgin choir.
- By day, by night, she mourns her Spouse
Nailed to the Cross, with ceaseless tears,
Till in herself, through very grief,
The image of that Spouse appears.
- Like Him, all wounds, she kneels transfixed
Before the Virgin-Mother’s shrine;
And still the more she weeps, the more
Mounts up the flame of love divine.
- That love so deep the Lord repaid
His handmaid on her dying bed;
When, with the Food of heavenly life,
By miracle her soul He fed.
- All praise to Thee, O Maker blest!
Praise to the everlasting Son;
Praise to the mighty Paraclete
While ages upon ages run.