Domare cordis impetus Elisabeth
Fortis, inopsque Deo
Servire, regno prætulit.
En fulgidis recepta cli sedibus,
Sidereæque domus
Ditata sanctis gaudiis.
Nunc regnat inter clites beatior,
Et premit astra, docens
Quæ vera sint regni bona.
Patri potestas, Filioque gloria,
Perpetuumque decus
Tibi sit alme Spiritus.
To rule thy heart, Elizabeth,
To curb all motions vain,
Seemed better to thy godly soul
Than as a queen to reign.
And lo, enthroned among the Saints,
Above the gleaming skies,
Thou has received thy rich reward,
The joys of Paradise.
Thy reign is with the Angel choirs,
The stars beneath thy feet,
The Blessed Vision is thy prize
And heaven thy queenly seat.
All power unto the Father be,
All glory to the Son,
And honor to the Holy Ghost
While endless ages run.