- Summi Parentis Unice,
Vultu pio nos respice,
Vocans ad arcem gloriæ
Cor Magdalenæ pœnitens.
- Amissa drachma regio
Recondita est ærario,
Et gemma, deterso luto,
Nitore vincit sidera.
- Jesu, medela vulnerum,
Spes una pœnitentium,
Per Magdalenæ lacrymas
Peccata nostra diluas.
- Dei Parens piissima,
Hevæ nepotes flebiles
De mille vitæ fluctibus
Salutis in portum vehas.
- Uni Deo sit gloria,
Pro multiformi gratia,
Peccantium qui criminal
Remittit, et dat præmia.
| - Son of the Highest, deign to cast
On us a pitying eye;
Thou, who repentant Magdalene
Didst call to endless joy.
- Again the royal treasury
Receives its long-lost coin;
The gem is found, and, cleansed from mire,
Doth all the stars outshine.
- O Jesus, balm of every wound!
The sinner’s only stay!
Wash Thou in Magdalene’s pure tears
Our guilty spots away.
- Mother of God! the sons of Eve
Weeping thine aid implore:
Oh, land us from the storms of life
Safe on th’ eternal shore.
- Glory, for graces manifold,
To the one only Lord;
Whose mercy doth our souls forgive,
Whose bounty doth reward.