- Quicumque Christum quæritis,
Uculos in altum tollite:
Illic licebit visere
Signum perennis gloriæ.
- Illustre quiddam cernimus,
Quod nesciat finem pati,
Sublime, celsum, interminum,
Antiquius cœlo et chao.
- Hic ille Rex est Gentium,
Populique Rex Judaici,
Promissus Abrahæ patri,
Ej usque in ævum semini.
- Hunc et Prophetis testibus,
Iisdemque signatoribus
Testator et Pater jubet
Audire nos, et credere.
- Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui te revelas parvulis,
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu
In sempiterna sæcula.
| - All ye who would the Christ descry,
Lift up your eyes to Him on high:
There mortal gaze hath strength to see
The token of His majesty.
- A wondrous sign we there behold,
That knows not death nor groweth old,
Sublime, most high, that cannot fade,
That was ere earth and heaven were made.
- Here is the King the Gentiles fear,
The Jews’ most mighty King is here
Promised to Abraham of yore,
And to his seed forevermore.
- ‘Tis He the Prophets’ words foretold,
And by their signs shown forth of old;
The Father’s witness hath ordained
That we should hear with faith unfeigned.
- Jesu, to Thee our praise we pay,
To little ones revealed to-day,
With Father and Blest Spirit One
Until the ages’ course is done.