- Lux alma, Jesu, mentium,
Dum corda nostra recreas,
Culpæ fugas caliginem,
Et nos reples dulcedine.
- Quam lætus est, quern visitas!
Consors paternse dexteræ,
Tu dulce lumen patriæ,
Carnis negatum sensibus.
- Splendor paternæ gloriæ,
Incomprehensa caritas,
Nobis amoris copiam
Largire per præsentiam.
- Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui te revelas parvulis,
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu
In sempiterna sæcula.
| - Light of the anxious heart,
Jesus, Thou dost appear,
To bid the gloom of guilt depart,
And shed Thy sweetness here.
- Joyous is he, with whom,
God’s Word, Thou dost abide;
Sweet Light of our eternal home,
To fleshly sense denied.
- Brightness of God above!
Unfathomable grace!
Thy presence be a fount of love
Within Thy chosen place.
- To Thee, whom children see,
The Father ever blest,
The Holy Spirit, One and Three,
Be endless praise addrest.