- Jam toto subitus vesper eat polo,
Et sol attonitum præcipitet diem,
Dum sævæ recolo ludibrium necis,
Divinamque catastrophen.
- Spectatrix aderas supplicio Parens,
Malis uda, gerens cor adamantinum:
Natus funerea pendulus in cruce
Altos dum gemitus dabat.
- Pendens ante oculos Natus, atrocibus
Sectus verberibus, Natus hiantibus
Fossus vulneribus, quot penetrantibus
Te confixit aculeis!
- Heu! sputa, alapæ, verbera, vulnera,
Clavi, fel, aloe, spongia, lancea,
Sitis, spina, cruor, quam varia pium
Cor pressere tyrannide!
- Cunctis interea stat generosior
Virgo Martyribus: prodigio novo,
In tantis moriens non moreris Parens,
Diris fixa doloribus.
- Sit summæ Triadi gloria, laus, honor,
A qua suppliciter, sollicita prece,
Posco virginei roboris æmulas
Vires rebus in asperis.
| - Now let the darkling eve
Mount suddenly on high,
The sun affrighted reave
His splendors from the sky,
While I in silence grieve
O’er the mocked agony
And the divine catastrophe.
- Grief-drenched, thou dost appear
With heart of adamant,
O Mother; and dost hear
The Great Hierophant,
Upon His wooden bier
Locked in the arms of Death,
Utter in groans His parting breath.
- What lookest thou upon,
Mangled and bruised and torn?
Ah, ‘tis the very Son
Thy yearning breast hath borne!
Surely, each breaking moan
And each deep-mouthed wound
Its fellow in thy heart hath found!
- Surely, the taunts and woes,
The scourge, the dripping thorn,
The spitting and the blows,
The gall, the lance, the scorn—
Surely, each torment throws
A poison-dart at thee,
Crushed by their manifold tyranny.
- Yet thou with patient mien
Beneath His Cross dost stand,
Nobler in this, I ween,
Than all the martyr-band:
A thousand deaths, O Queen,
Upon thy spirit lie,
Yet thou, O marvel! dost not die.
- O Holy Trinity,
Let earth and heaven raise
Their song of laud to Thee
The while my spirit prays:—
When evil comes to me,
The strength do Thou impart
That erst upheld Thy Mother’s heart!