- Æterne Rector siderum,
Qui, quidquid est, potentia
Magna creasti, nec regis
Minore providentia:
- Adesto supplicantium
Tibi reorum cœtui,
Lucisque sub crepusculum
Lucem novam da mentibus.
- Tuusque nobis Angelus
Electus ad custodiam,
Hic adsit; a contagio
Ut criminum nos protegat.
- Nobis draconis æmuli
Versutias exterminet;
Ne rete fraudulentiæ
Incauta nectat pectora.
- Metum repellat hostium
Nostris procul de finibus:
Pacem procuret civium,
Fugetque pestilentiam.
- Deo Patri sit gloria,
Qui, quos redemit Filius,
Et sanctus unxit Spiritus,
Per Angelos custodiat.
| - Ruler of the dread immense!
Maker of this mighty frame!
Whose eternal providence
Guides it, as from Thee it came:
- Low before Thy throne we bend;
Hear our supplicating cries;
And Thy light celestial send
With the freshly dawning skies.
- King of kings, and Lord most High!
This of Thy dear love we pray:
May Thy Guardian Angel nigh,
Keep us from all sin this day.
- May he crush the deadly wiles
Of the envious serpent’s art,
Ever spreading cunning toils
Round about the thoughtless heart
- May he scatter ruthless war
Ere to this our land it come;
Plague and famine drive away,
Fix securely peace at home.
- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
One eternal Trinity!
Guard by Thy Angelic host
Us who put our trust in Thee.