- In monte olivis consito
Redemptor orans, procidit,
Mœret, pavescit, deficit,
Sudor manans sanguinis.
- A proditore traditus
Raptatur in pœnas Deus,
Durisque vinctus nexibus
Flagris eruentis cæditur.
- Intexta acutis sentibus,
Corona contumelyæ,
Squallenti amictum purpura,
Regem coronat gloriæ.
- Molis crucem ter arduæ,
Sudans, anhelans concidens,
Ad montis usque verticem
Gestare vi compellitur.
- Confixus atro stipite
Inter scelestos innocens,
Orando pro tortoribus,
Exsanguis efflat spiritum.
- Gloria tibi Domine
Qui natus es de Virgine,
Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu
In sempiterna sæcula.
| - The Mount of Olives witnesseth
The awful agony of God:
His soul is sorrowful to death,
His sweat of blood bedews the sod.
- And now the traitor’s work is done:
The clamorous crowds around Him surge;
Bound to pillar, God the Son
Quivers beneath the blood-red scourge.
- Lo! clad in purple soiled and worn,
Meekly the Saviour waiteth now
While wretches plait the cruel thorn
To crown with shame His royal brow.
- Sweating and sighing, faint with loss
Of what hath flowed from life’s red fount,
He bears the exceeding heavy Cross
Up to the verge of Calvary’s mount.
- Nailed to the wood of ancient curse,
Between two thieves the Sinless One
Still praying for His murderers,
Breathes forth His soul, and all is done!
- Glory to Thee, and honor meet,
Jesu, of Maiden-Mother born,
And Father and the Paraclete,
Through endless ages of the morn!