- Hæc est dies, qua candid&ae;lig;
Instar columbæ, cœlitum
Ad sacra templa spiritus
Se transtulit Teresiæ.
- Sponsique voces audiit:
Veni soror de vertice
Carmeli ad Agni nuptias:
Veni ad coronam gloriæ.
- Te sponse Jesu Virginum
Beati adorent ordines,
Et nuptiali cantico
Laudent per omne sæculum.
| - Behold the blessed morning,
When, like a snow-white dove,
Thy soul arose, Theresa,
To join the choirs above.
- The Bridegroom calls: “From Carmel
Come, sister, unto me,
Partake the Lamb’s high nuptials;
Thy crown awaiteth thee.”
- O Jesus, tender Bridegroom
By holy virgin throngs
Be evermore surrounded,
Be praised in endless songs.