- Exultet orbis gaudiis:
Cœlum resultet laudibus:
Apostolorum gloriam
Tellus et astra concinunt.
- Vos sæculorum judices,
Et vera mundi lumina:
Votis precamur cordium,
Audite voces supplicum.
- Qui templa c&oalig;li clauditis,
Serasque verbo solvitis,
Nos a reatu noxios
Solvi jubete, quæsumus.
- Præcepta quorum protinus
Languor salusque sentient:
Sanate mentes languidas;
Augete nos virtutibus.
- Ut, cum redibit arbiter
In fine Christus s&selig;culi,
Nos sempterni gaudii
Concedat esse compotes.
- Patri, simulque Filio,
Tibique sancta Spiritus,
Sicut fuit, sit jugiter
Sæclum per omne Gloria.
| - Now let the earth with joy resound,
And heaven the chant re-echo round;
Nor heaven nor earth too high can raise
The great Apostles’ glorious praise.
- O ye who, throned in glory dread,
Shall judge the living and the dead,
Lights of the world forevermore!
To you the suppliant prayer we pour.
- Ye close the sacred gates on high;
At your command apart they fly:
Oh! loose for us the guilty chain
We strive to break, and strive in vain.
- Sickness and health your voice obey;
At your command they go or stay:
From sin’s disease our souls restore;
In good confirm us more and more.
- So when the world is at its end,
And Christ to judgment shall descend,
May we be called those joys to see
Prepared from all eternity.
- Praise to the Father, with the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One;
As ever was in ages past,
And so shall be while ages last.