- Rex gloriose Martyrum,
Corona confitentium,
Qui respuentes terrea
Perducis ad cœlestia:
- Aurem benignam protinus
Intende nostris vocibus:
Trophæa sacra pangimus:
Ignosce quod deliquimus.
- Tu vincis inter Martyres,
Parcisque Confessoribus:
Tu vince nostra crimina,
Largitor indulgentise.
- Deo Patri sit gloria,
Et Filio, qui a mortuis
Surrexit, ac Paraclito,
In sempiterna sæcula.
| - O Glorious King of Martyr hosts,
Thou Crown that each Confessor boasts,
Who leadest to celestial day
Those who have cast earth’s joys away:
- Thine ear in mercy, Saviour, lend,
While unto Thee our prayers ascend;
And as we count their triumphs won,
Forgive the sins that we have done.
- Martyrs in Thee their triumphs gain,
From Thee Confessors grace obtain;
O’ercome in us the lust of sin,
That we Thy pardoning love may win.
- To Thee who, dead, again dost live,
All glory, Lord, Thy people give;
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete.