- Virginis Proles, Opifexque Matris,
Virgo quem gessit, peperitque Virgo;
Virginis festum canimus beatæ,
Accipe votum.
- Hæc enim palmæ duplicis beata
Sorte, dum gestit fragilem domare
Corporis sexum, domuit cruentum
Cæde tyrannum.
- Unde nec mortem, nec amica mortis
Mille pœnarum genera expavescens,
Sanguine effuse meruit serenum
Scandere cœlum.
- Hujus oratu Deus alme nobis
Debitas pœnas scelerum remitte;
Ut tibi puro resonemus almum
Pectore carmen.
- Sit decus Patri, genitæque Proli,
Et tibi compar utriusque virtus
Spiritus semper, Deus unus omni
Temporis ævo.
| - Son of a Virgin, Maker of Thy Mother,
Thou, Rod and Blossom from a Stem unstained,
Now while a Virgin fair of fame we honor,
Hear our devotion!
- Lo, on Thy handmaid fell a twofold blessing,
Who, in her body vanquishing the weakness,
In that same body, grace from heaven obtaining,
Bore the world witness.
- Death, no the rending pains of death appalled her;
Bondage and torment found her undefeated:
So by the shedding of her blood attained she
Heavenly guerdon.
- Fountain of mercy, hear the prayers she offers;
Purge our offences, pardon our transgressions,
So that hereafter we to Thee may render
Praise with thanksgiving.
- Thou, the All-Father, Thou, the One-Begotten,
Thou, Holy Spirit, Three in One co-equal
Glory be henceforth Thine through all the ages,
World without ending.