- Alto ex Olympi vertice
Summi Parentis Filius,
Ceu monte desectus lapis
Terras in imas decidens,
Domus supernæ, et infimæ,
Utrumque junxit angulum.
- Sed ilia sedes cœlitum
Semper resultat laudibus,
Deumque Trinum et Unicum
Jugi canore prædicat:
Illi canentes jungimur
Almæ Sionis æmuli.
- Hæc templa, Rex cœlestium,
Imple benigno lumine:
Huc o rogatus adveni,
Plebisque vota suscipe,
Et nostra corda jugiter
Perfunde cœli gratia.
- Hic impetrent fidelium
Voces precesque supplicum
Domus beatæ munera,
Partisque donis gaudeant:
Donec soluti corpore
Sedes beatas impleant.
- Decus Parenti debitum
Sit usquequaque Altissimo,
Natoque Patris unico,
Et inclyto Paraclito,
Cui laus, potestas, gloria
Æterna sit per sæcula.
| - From highest heaven, the Father’s Son,
Descending like that mystic stone
Cut from a mountain without hands,
Came down below, and filled all lands;
Uniting, midway in the sky,
His house on earth, and house on high.
- That house on high,—it ever rings
With praises of the King of kings;
Forever there, on harps divine,
They hymn th’ eternal One and Trine;
We, here below, the strain prolong,
And faintly echo Sion’s song.
- O Lord of lords invisible!
With Thy pure light this temple fill:
Hither, oft as invoked, descend;
Here to Thy people’s prayer attend;
Here, through all hearts, forevermore,
Thy Spirit’s quickening graces pour.
- Here may the faithful, day by day,
Their hearts’ adoring homage pay;
And here receive from Thy dear love
The blessings of that home above;
Till loosened from this mortal chain,
Its everlasting joys they gain.
- To God the Father, glory due
Be paid by all the heavenly host;
And to His only Son most true;
With Thee, O might Holy Ghost!
To whom, praise, power, and blessing be,
Through th’ ages of eternity.