- Angularis fundamentum
Lapis Christus missus est,
Qui parietum compage
In utroque nectitur,
Quem Sion sancta suscepit,
In quo credens permanet.
- Omnis ilia Deo sacra,
Et dilecta civitas,
Plena modulis in laude,
Et canore jubilo,
Trinum Deum unicumque
Cum fervore prædicat.
- Hoc in templo, summe Deus,
Exoratus adveni;
Et dementi bonitate
Precum vota suscipe;
Largam benedictionem
Hic infunde jugiter.
- Hic promereantur omnes
Petita acquirere,
Et adepta possidere,
Cum Sanctis perenniter
Paradisum introire,
Translati in requiem.
- Gloria et honor Deo
Usquequaque Altissimo,
Una Patri Filioque,
Inclyto Paraclito,
Cui laus est et potestas,
Per æterna sæcula.
| - Christ is made the sure Foundation,
And the precious Corner-stone,
Who, the two walls underlying,
Bound in each, binds both in one,
Holy Sion’s help forever,
And her confidence alone.
- All that dedicated City,
Dearly loved by God on high,
In exultant jubilation
Pours perpetual melody;
God the One, and God the Trinal,
Singing everlastingly.
- To this temple, where we call Thee,
Come, O Lord of Hosts, to-day;
With Thy wonted loving-kindness
Hear Thy people as they pray;
And Thy fullest benediction
Shed within its walls for aye.
- Here vouchsafe to all Thy servants
What they supplicate to gain;
Here to have and hold forever
Those good things their prayers obtain;
And hereafter in Thy glory
With Thy blessed ones to reign.
- Laud and honor to the Father;
Laud and honor to the Son;
Laud and honor to the Spirit;
Ever Three, and ever One:
Consubstantial, co-eternal,
While unending ages run.