- Hora novissima, tempora pes-
sima sunt; vigilemus.
Ecce minaciter imminet arbiter
Ille supremus,—
- Imminet, imminet, ut mala ter-
minet, æqua coronet,
Recta remuneret, anxia liberet,
æthera donet.
- Curre, vir optime; lubrica re-
prime, præfer honesta,
Fletibus angere, flendo merebere
Cœlica festa.
- Luce replebere jam sine vespere,
jam sine luna;
Lux nova lux ea, lux erit aurea,
lux erit una.
- Patria splendida, terraque florida,
libera spinis,
Danda fidelibus est ibi civibus,
hic peregrinis.
- Tunc erit omnibus inspicientibus
ora Tonantis
Summa potentia, plena scientia,
pax rata sanctis.
- Hic homo nititur, ambulat, utitur;
ergo fruetur.
Pax, rata pax ea, spe modo,
postea re capietur.
- Plaude, cinis meus, est tua pars
Deus; ejus es et sis;
Rex tuus est tua portia, tu sua;
ne sibi desis.
| - The world is very evil;
The times are waxing late;
Be sober and keep vigil,
The Judge is at the gate;
- The Judge that comes in mercy,
The Judge that comes with might,
To terminate the evil,
To diadem the right
- Arise, arise, good Christian,
Let right to wrong succeed;
Let penitential sorrow
To heavenly gladness lead,
- To the light that hath no evening,
That knows nor moon nor sun,
The light so new and golden,
The light that is but one.
- O home of fadeless splendor,
Of flowers that bear no thorn,
Where they shall dwell as children
Who here as exiles mourn;
- Midst power that knows no limit,
Where knowledge has no bound,
The Beatific Vision
Shall glad the Saints around.
- Strive, man, to win that glory;
Toil, man, to gain that light;
Send hope before to grasp it,
Till hope be lost in sight.
- Exult, O dust and ashes,
The Lord shall be thy part,
His only, His forever
Thou shalt be and thou art.