Catholic CornucopiadCheney

O bona patria

For thee, O dear, dear country

The Hymns of the Breviary and Missal

  1. O bona patria, lumina sobria
    te speculantur;
    Ad tua nomina sobria lumina
  2. Est tua mentio pectoris unctio,
    cura doloris,
    Concipientibus æthera mentibus
    ignis amoris.
  3. Tu locus unicus illeque cœlicus
    es paradisus.
    Non tibi lacrima, sed placidissima
    gaudia, risus.
  4. Lux tua mors crucis atque caro
    ducis est crucifixi;
    Laus, benedictio, conjubilatio per-
    Sonat Ipsi.
  5. Est ibi consita laurus, et insita
    cedrus hysopo;
    Sunt radiantia jaspide mœnia,
    clara pyropo.
  6. Hinc tibi sardius, inde topazius,
    hinc amethystus.
    Est tua fabrica contio cœlica,
    gemmaque Christus.
  7. Tu sine litore, tu sine tempore
    fons, modo rivus;
    Dulce bonis sapis, estque tibi lapis
    undique vivus.
  8. Est tibi laurea, dos datur aurea,
    sponsa decora,
    Primaque principis oscula su-
    scipis, inspicis ora.
  1. For thee, O dear, dear country,
    Mine eyes their vigils keep;
    For very love, bevholding
    Thy happy name, they weep.
  2. The mention of thy glory
    Is unction to the breast,
    And medicine in sickness,
    And love, and life, and rest.
  3. O one, O only mansion!
    O Paradise of joy!
    Where tears are ever banished,
    And smiles have no alloy;
  4. The Cross is all thy splendor;
    The Crucified thy praise;
    His laud and benediction
    Thy ransomed people raise.
  5. With jaspers glow thy bulwarks,
    Thy streets with emeralds blaze;
    The sardius and the topaz
    Unite in thee their rays;
  6. Thine ageless walls are bonded
    With amethyst unpriced;
    Thy Saints build up its fabric,
    The corner-stone is Christ.
  7. Thou hast no shore, fair ocean!
    Thou hast no time, bright day!
    Dear fountain of refreshment
    To pilgrims far away!
  8. Upon the Rock of Ages
    They raise thy holy tower;
    Thine is the victor’s laurel,
    And thine the golden dower.