- Immense cœli Conditor
Qui mixta ne confunderent,
Aquæ fluenta dividens,
Cœlum dedisti limitem.
- Firmans locum cœlestibus,
Simulque terræ rivulis;
Ut unda flammas temperet,
Terræ solum ne dissipent.
- Infunde nunc, piissime,
Donum perennis gratiæ:
Fraudis novæ ne casibus
Nos error atterat vetus.
- Lucem fides adaugeat:
Sic luminis jubar ferat:
Hæc vana cuncta proterat:
Hanc falsa nulla comprimant.
- Præsta, Pater piissime,
Patrique compar Unice,
Cum Spiritu Paraclito
Regnans per omne sæculum.
| - O Great Creator of the sky
Who wouldest not the flood on high
With earthly waters to confound,
But mad’st at the firmament their bound;
- The floods above Thou didst ordain;
The floods below Thou did restrain:
That moisture might attemper heat,
Lest the parched earth should ruin meet.
- Upon our souls, good Lord, bestow
Thy gift of grace in endless flow:
Lest some renewed deceit or wile
Of former sin should us beguile.
- Let faith discover heav’nly light;
So shall its rays direct us right:
And let this faith each error chase,
And never give to falsehood place.
- Grant this, O Father, ever One
With Christ, Thy sole-begotten Son,
And Holy Ghost, whom all adore,
Reigning and blest forevermore.