- Cœli Deus sanctissime,
Qui lucidas mundi plagas
Candore pingis igneo,
Augens decoro lumine:
- Quarto die qui flammeam
Dum solis accendis rotam,
Lunæ ministras ordinem,
Vagosque cursus siderum:
- Ut noctibus, vel lumini
Diremptionis terminum,
Primordiis et mensium
Signum dares notissimum;
- Expelle noctem cordium:
Absterge sordes mentium:
Resolve culpæ vinculum:
Everte moles criminum.
- Præsta, Pater piissime,
Patrique compar Unice,
Cum Spiritu Paraclito
Regnans per omne sæculum.
| - O God, whose hand hath spread the sky,
And all its shining hosts on high.
And painting it with fiery light,
Made it so beauteous and so bright:
- Thou, when the fourth day was begun,
Didst frame the circle of the sun,
And set the moon for ordered change,
And planets for their wider range:
- To night and day, by certain line,
Their varying bounds Thou didst assign;
And gav’st a signal, known and meet,
For months begun and months complete.
- Enlighten Thou the hearts of men:
Polluted souls make pure again:
Unloose the bands of guilt within:
Remove the burden of our sin.
- Grant this, O Father, ever One
With Christ Thy sole-begotten Son,
Whom, with the Spirit we adore,
One God, both now and evermore.