- Rex sempiterne cœlitum,
Rerum Creator omnium,
Æqualis ante sæcula
Semper Parenti Filius.
- Nascente qui mundo Faber
Imaginem vultus tui
Tradens Adamo, nobilem
Limo jugasti spiritum.
- Cum livor et fraus dæmonis
Fœdasset humanum genus:
Tu carne amictus, perditam
Formam reformas Artifex.
- Qui natus olim e Virgine,
Nunc e sepulcro nasceris
Tecumque nos a mortuis
Jubes sepultos surgere.
- Qui pastor æternus gregem
Aqua lavas Baptimatis:
Hæc est lavacrum mentium;
Hæc est sepulcrm criminum.
- Nobis diu qui debitæ
Redemptor affixus Cruci,
Nostræ dedisti prodigus
Pretium salutis sanguinem.
- Ut sis perenne mentibus
Paschale, Jesu, Gaudium,
A morte dira criminum
Vitæ renatos libera.
- Deo Patri sit Gloria,
Et Filio, qui a mortuis
Surrext, ac Paraclito,
In sempiternal sæcula.
| - O Thou, the heavens’ eternal King,
Creator, unto Thee we sing,
With God the Father ever One,
Co-equal, co-eternal Son.
- Thy hand, when first the world began,
Made in Thin own pure image man,
And linked to Adam, sprung from earth,
A living soul of heavenly birth.
- And when by craft the envious foe
Had marred Thy noblest work below,
Clothed in our flesh, Thou didst restore
The image Thou hadst made before.
- Once wast Thou born of Mary’s womb;
And now, new-born from out the tomb,
O Christ, Thou bidd’st us rise with Thee
From death to immorality.
- Eternal Shepherd, Thou dost lave
Thy flock in pure baptismal wave—
That mystic bath, that grave of sin,
Where ransomed souls new life begin.
- Redeemer, Thou for us didst deign
To hang upon the Cross of pain,
And give for us the lavish price
Of Thine own Blood in sacrifice.
- Grant, Lord, in Thee each faithful mind
Unceasing Paschal joy may find;
And from the death of sin set free
Souls newly born to life by Thee.
- To Thee, once dead, who now dost live,
All glory, Lord, Thy people give,
Whom, with the Father, we adore,
And Holy Ghost forevermore.