- Nocte surgentes vigilemus omnes,
Semper in psalmis meditemur, atque
Voce concordi Domino canamus
Dulciter hymnos.
- Ut pio Regi pariter canentes,
Cum suis sanctis mereamur aulam
Ingredi cœli, simul et perennem
Ducere vitam.
- Præstet hoc nobis Deitas beata
Patris, ac Nati, pariterque sancti
Spiritus, cujus resonat per omnem
Gloria mundum.
| - Now, from the slumbers of the night arising,
Chant we the holy psalmody of David,
Hymns to our Master, with a voice concordant,
Sweetly intoning.
- So may our Monarch pitifully hear us,
That we may merit with His Saints to enter
Mansions eternal, therewithal possessing
Joy beatific.
- This be our portion, God forever blessed,
Father eternal, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Whose is the glory, which through all creation
Ever resoundeth.