Lauda Sion Salvatorem,
Lauda ducem et pastorem,
In hymnis et canticis.
Quantum potes, tantum aude:
Quia major omni laude,
Nec laudare sufficis.
Laudis thema specialis,
Panis vivus et vitalis
Hodie proponitur.
Quem in sacræ mensa cnæ,
Turbæ fratrum duodenæ
Datum non ambigitur.
Sit laus plena, sit sonora,
Sit jucunda, sit decora
Mentis jubilatio.
Dies enim solemnis agitur,
In qua mensæ prima recolitur
Hujus institutio.
In hac mensa novi Regis,
Novum Pascha novæ legis,
Phase vetus terminat.
Vetustatem novitas,
Umbram fugat veritas,
Noctem lux eliminat.
Quod in cna Christus gessit,
Faciendum hoc expressit
In sui memoriam.
Docti sacris institutis,
Panem, vinum in salutis
Consecramus hostiam.
Dogma datur Christianis,
Quod in carnem transit panis,
Et vinum in sanguinem.
Quod non capis, quod non vides,
Animosa firmat fides,
Præter rerum ordinem.
Sub diversis speciebus,
Signis tantum, et non rebus,
Latent res eximiæ.
Caro cibus, sanguis potus:
Manet tamen Christus totus
Sub utraque specie.
A sumente non concisus,
Non confractus, non divisus:
Integer accipitur.
Sumit unus, sumunt mille:
Quantum isti, tantum ille:
Nec sumptus consumitur.
Sumunt boni, sumunt mali:
Sorte tamen inæquali,
Vitæ vel interitus.
Mors est malis, vita bonis:
Vide paris sumptionis
Quam sit dispar exitus.
Fracto demum Sacramento,
Ne vacilles, sed memento
Tantum esse sub fragmento,
Quantum toto tegitur.
Nulla rei fit scissura:
Signi tantum fit fractura,
Qua nec status, nec statura
Signati minuitur.
Ecce Panis angelorum,
Factus cibus viatorum:
Vere panis filiorum,
Non mittendus canibus.
In figuris præsignatur,
Cum Isaac immolatur,
Agnus Paschæ deputatur,
Datur manna patribus.
Bone pastor, panis vere,
Jesu, nostri miserere:
Tu nos pasce, nos tuere,
Tu nos bona fac videre
In terra viventium.
Tui qui cuncta scis et vales,
Qui nos pascis hic mortales:
Tuos ibi commensales,
Cohæredes et sodales
Fac sanctorum civium.
Praise, O Sion, praise thy Saviour,
Shepherd, Prince, with glad behavior,
Praise in hymn and canticle:
Sing His glory without measure,
For the merit of your Treasure
Never shall your praises fill.
Wondrous theme of mortal singing,
Living Bread and Bread life-bringing.
Sing we on this joyful day:
At the Lords own table given
To the twelve as Bread from Heaven,
Doubting not we firmly say.
Sing His praise with voice sonorous;
Every heart shall hear the chorus
Swell in melody sublime:
For this day the Shepherd gave us
Flesh and blood to feed and save us,
Lasting to the end of time.
At the new Kings sacred table,
The new Laws new Pasch is able
To succeed the ancient Rite:
Old to new its place hath given,
Truth has far the shadows driven,
Darkness flees before the Light.
And as He hath done and planned it
Do thishear His love command it,
For a memory of me.
Learned, Lord in Thy own science,
Bread and wine, in sweet compliance,
As a Host we offer Thee.
Thus in faith the Christian heareth:
That Christs Flesh as bread appeareth,
And as wine His Precious Blood:
Though we feel it not nor see it,
Living Faith that doth decree it
All defects of sense makes good.
Lo! beneath the species dual
(Signs not things), is hid a jewel
Far beyond creations reach!
Though His Flesh as food abideth,
And His Blood as drinkHe hideth
Undivided under each.
Whoso eateth It can never
Break the Body, rend or sever;
Christ entire our hearts doth fill:
Thousands eat the Bread of Heaven,
Yet as much to one is given:
Christ, though eaten, bideth still.
God and bad, they come to greet Him:
Unto life the former eat Him,
And the latter unto death;
These find death and those find heaven;
See, from the same life-seed given,
How the harvest differeth!
When at last the Bread is broken,
Doubt not what the Lord hath spoken:
In each part the same love token,
The same Christ, our hearts adore:
For no power the Thing divideth
Tis the symbols He provideth,
While the Saviour still abideth
Undimished as before.
Hail, angelic Bread of Heaven,
Now the pilgrims hoping-leaven,
Yea, the Bread to children given
That to dogs must not be thrown:
In the figures contemplated,
Twas with Issac immolated,
By the Lamb twas antedated,
In the Manna it was known.
O Good Shepherd, still confessing
Love, in spite of our transgressing,
Here Thy blessed Food possessing,
Make us share Thine every blessing
In the land of life and love:
Thou, whose power hath all completed
And Thy Flesh as Food hath meted,
Make us, at Thy table seated,
By Thy Saints, as friends be greeted,
In Thy paradise above.