- Summi Parentis Filio,
Patri futuri sęculi,
Pacis beatę Principi,
Promamus ore canticum.
- Qui vulneratus pectore
Amoris ictum pertulit,
Amoris urens ignibus
Ipsum qui amantem diligunt.
- Jesu, doloris victima,
Quis te innocentem compulit,
Dura ut apertum lancea
Latus pateret vulneri?
- O fons amoris inclyte!
O vena aquarum limpida,
O flamma adurens crimina!
O cordis ardens caritas!
- In Corde, Jesu, jugiter
Reconde nos, ut uberi
Dono fruamur gratię,
Clique tandem pręmiis.
- Semper Parenti, et Filio,
Sit laus, honor, sit gloria,
Sancto simul Paraclito
In sęculorum sęcula.
| - O Thou, the Son of God most High,
Thou Father of the life to be,
O Prince of Peace, to Thee we cry,
We bring our song of praise to Thee.
- Thy Heart was wounded by the blow
Ordained of everlasting love;
Such love among Thy flocks below
Thou kindlest at the fires above.
- Dear Christ in pity for our woe
Thou didst Thyself as victim give,
The cruel pangs to undergo,
To ope Thy breast that man might live.
- O sacred fount of love sublime,
O living spring of waters free,
O fire to cleanse away all crime,
O Heart aflame with charity.
- Lord, keep us ever in Thy Heart,
Thy tender love to feel and know,
The joys of heaven to us impart,
When we shall leave these walks below.
- Glory to Father and to Son,
And to the Holy Ghost the same,
To whom all power, when time is done,
And endless rule, in endless fame.