Præclara custos virginum,
Intacta Mater Numinis,
Clestis aulæ janua,
Spes nostra, cli gaudium.
Inter rubeta lilium,
Columba formosissima,
Virga e radice germinans
Nostro medelam vulneri.
Turris draconi impervia,
Amica stella naufragis,
Tuere nos a fraudibus,
Tuaque luce dirige.
Erroris umbras discute,
Syrtes dolosas amove,
Fluctus tot inter, deviis
Tutam reclude semitam.
Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Virgine,
Cum Patre, et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna sæcula.
Blest guardian of all virgin souls,
Portal of bliss to man forgiven,
Pure Mother of Almighty God,
Thou hope of earth and joy of heaven!
Fair Lily found among the thorns,
Most beauteous Dove with wings of gold,
Rod from whose tender root upsprang
That healing Flower so long foretold.
Thou Tower against the dragon proof,
Thou Star to storm-tossed voyagers dear;
Our course lies oer a treacherous deep,
Thine be the light by which we steer.
Scatter the mists that round us hang;
Keep far the fatal shoals away;
And while through darkling waves we sweep,
Open a path to light and day.
O Jesu, born of Virgin bright,
Immortal glory be to Thee;
Praise to the Father infinite
And Holy Ghost eternally.