- Beate Pastor Petre, Clemens accipe
Voces precantum, criminumque vincula
Verbo resolve, cui potestas tradita
Aperire terries cœlum, apertum claudere.
- Sit Trinitati sempiterna gloria,
Honor, potestas, atque jubilation,
In unitate, quæ gubernat omnia,
Per universa æternitatis sæcula.
| - O Peter, Shepherd good, our voices sing of thee;
Thy very word had might from chains of sin to free;
To thee, by power divine, the mystic keys were given,
Which ope the skies to men, or close the gates of heaven.
- All honor, might, and power, and hymns of joy we bring,
While to the Trinity eternal praise we sing:
He rules the universe in wondrous Unity,
And shall, thoughout the days of all eternity.