- Tu natale solum protege, tu bonæ
Da pacis requiem Christiadum plagis;
Armorum strepitus, et fera prœlia
In fines age Thracios.
- Et regum socians agmina sub crucis
Vexillo, Solymas nexibus exime,
Vindexque innocui sanguinis hosticum
Robur funditus erue.
- Tu nostrum columen, tu decus inclytum,
Nostrarum obsequium respice mentium;
Romæ vota libens excipe, quæ pio
Te ritu canit, et colit.
- A nobis abigas lubrica gaudia
Tu, qui Martyribus dexter ades, Deus
Une et trine: tuis da famulis jubar,
Quo clemens animos beas.
| - Be thou the guardian of thy native land,
And to all Christian nations grant repose
From din of arms, and every hostile band—
From all our borders drive away our foes.
- Bid Christian princes marshal all their force
Beneath the sacred standard of the Rood,
To avenge sweet Salem’s sacrilegious loss,
And crush the Paynim red with guiltless blood.
- On thee our hopes are built, as on a tower;
Receive the homage we now humbly pay,
The vows which Rome accomplishes this hour,
With pious rites, and canticles’ sweet lay.
- Keep far from us all dangerous delight,
O God, who comfortest Thy Martyrs’ pain;
One Good in Persons Three, bestow Thy light
Wherewith Thou makest strong Thy Martyrs slain.