- O Lux beata cœlitum
Et summa spes mortalium,
Jesu, o cui domestica
Arrisit orto caritas.
- Maria, dives gratia,
O sola quæ casto potes
Fovere Jesum pectore,
Cum lacte donans oscula.
- Tuque ex vetustis patribus
Delecte custos Virginis,
Dulci patris quem nomine
Divina Proles invocat.
- De stirpe Jesse nobili
Nati in salutem gentium,
Audite nos qui supplices
Vestras ad aras sistimus.
- Dum sol redux ad vesperum
Rebus nitorem detrahit,
Nos hic manentes intimo
Ex corde vota fundimus.
- Qua vestra sedes floruit
Virtutis omnis gratia,
Hanc detur in domesticis
Referre posse moribus.
- Jesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natis es de Virgine,
Cum Patre, et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna sæcula.
| - O Highest Hope of mortals,
Blest Light of Saints above,
O Jesu, on whose boyhood
Home smiled with kindly love;
- And thou whose bosom nursed Him,
O Mary, highly graced,
Whose breast gave milk to Jesus,
Whose arms thy God embraced;
- And thou of all men chosen
To guard the Virgin’s fame,
To whom God’s Son refused not
A Father’s gracious name;
- Born for the nation’s healing,
Of Jesse's lineage high,
Behold the suppliants kneeling,
O hear the sinners’ cry!
- The sun returned to evening,
Dusks all the twilight air:
We, lingering here before you,
Pour out our heartfelt prayer.
- Your home was a garden
Made glad with fairest flowers;
May life thus blossom sweetly
In every home of ours.
- Jesus, to Thee be glory,
The Maiden-Mother’s Son,
With Father and with Spirit
While endless ages run.